MA'AT 9 is a spiritual and sociopolitical movement to restore balance to the mindset of love, life, balance, righteousness, and justice for A.D.O.S. We will have it without restriction, agendas, and interference from agency. MA'AT 9 was established to aid in restoring the balance in our community to effect society by building and empowering the A.D.O.S family with an attitude and lifestyle of self-sufficiency. This is necessary for initiating a paradigm shift and change in our means of existence to a more balanced and sustainable one.
We will restore balance to our world by restoring the organic A.D.O.S. nuclear family. We subscribe to the divinity in the union of man and woman who realize "GOD" in the creation of new life. "GOD" is that energy responsible for creation.
Through community events, criminal justice and political reform, juvenile judicial advocacy, educational programs, and weekly services we strive to build with the community and other organizations. We will implement an agenda to achieve tangible progress, and results for justice, and liberation for the A.D.O.S. diaspora.
We are proactive activists who innerstand that we are connected to the ALL. We value all life and make it our mission to return balance to our community, society and world.
MA'AT 9 is a 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization. A 508(c)(1)(a) is, by the very nature of its creation, a religious, non-profit, tax-exempt organization, a "church" by definition, function and purpose. All organizations seeking tax exempt status
must apply to the IRS except FBO’s. FBO’s can be formed under Section 508(c)(1)(a) and enjoy
“mandatory exceptions” from these requirements. Section 508(c)(1)(a) was codified in the Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) in order to formally establish the right to “free” exercise of religion which had been a tacit standard upon which America was founded and governed since it gained its independence.
A 508(c)(1)(a) FBO has free speech rights unlike all 501(c)(3) organizations that have speech restrictions. These prohibit them from influencing legislation and political campaigns and exercising 1st amendment rights for consideration in exchange for tax exemption. Since 508(c)(1)(a) organizations are already tax exempt as a right they do not have to give up that right (religious exercise and free speech) as a condition of tax exemption. As the social issues that affect the ADOS disproportionately have become political issues, churches now more than ever need to lead in the call of training and developing leaders in our communities and nation. The goal of Ma'at 9 is to raise the vibration of the collective consciousness and advocate for solutions to issues concerning the ADOS diaspora. Essential to our mission is restoring and empowering the organic ADOS nuclear family. We achieve this by providing basic life skills training, promoting the harmony, stability and independence of family through self sufficiency. Connecting families in the community to essential products and services is vital to the growth and development of our society.